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Why students choose EduRev for their Class 9 Exam
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CBSE Class 9 Exam 

Every year, the Class 9 examination is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The Class 9 exams are considered important as they lay the foundation for higher education and set the base for the future academic performance of the students. 

CBSE Class 9 Exam Syllabus & Pattern

The CBSE Class 9 exam syllabus covers a wide range of subjects including Mathematics, Science, English, and Social studies. The CBSE Class 9 curriculum is designed in such a way so as to build a conceptual foundation for Class 10.

The CBSE Class 9 exam pattern typically includes:

  • Objective and subjective type of questions
  • The exam is divided into two sections: Section A and Section B
  • Section A contains 20% of objective-type questions, including multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, one-word answers etc.
  • Section B contains 80% of descriptive-type questions, including short-answer type, long-answer type, and practical-based questions.

Internal Assessment: The total marks for internal assessment is 20 for each subject. The Internal assessment marks are divided into three groups: Periodc Test (10 Marks), Note Book Submission (5 marks), Subject Enrichment Activity (5 marks)

How to prepare for Class 9 Exam with EduRev?

Class 9 Exams help students prepare for the board exams which are taken in Class 10 and are considered very important for future academic and professional growth.  EduRev App provides you with the best Study Material for Class 9 with subjective & objective questions, NCERT Textbook & Solutions, Solved MCQ Tests,  Solved Sample Paper for Class 9 as per the guidelines of CBSE & its Class 9 syllabus, and the below-mentioned things to help you prepare really well for the exams. 

1. Class 9 NCERT Books & Solutions for all the subjects of Class 9 Science, Maths, SST, English & Hindi 

2. Exhaustive Question Bank including Solved MCQs, Online Tests, Solved Sample Question Papers & Worksheets with solutions

3.  Class 9 Notes & Video Lectures

Important Links

 NCERT Books for Class 9thCrash Course for Class 9

Previous Year Question Papers with solutions & Sample Papers

RD Sharma Class 9 SolutionsShort Answer Test Questions & Long Answer QuestionsChapter Notes for Class 9

Frequently Asked Questions for CBSE Class 9 Exams

Q.1. How can I prepare for Class 9 exams?

You can prepare for your Class 9 exams with the help of EduRev Infinity Package for Class 9. Start by setting clear and realistic study goals for yourself. Use resources available in EduRev Infinity Package for Class 9 such as study notes, topic-wise MCQ tests, and video lectures, to supplement your learning. Practice sample papers and previous year papers available in the package. Analyze and Improve your mistakes. 

Q.2. Is Class 9 hard or 10?

It varies and depends on the student and curriculum.  In class 9, students are introduced to new subjects and concepts that they will build upon in class 10. Class 10 is generally considered to be more challenging as it is a crucial year as it decides which stream students will opt for in higher secondary.

Q.3. How to get first rank in class 9?

To get first rank in class 9:

  • Understand the curriculum and expectations of exams.
  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Practice regularly and seek help if needed.
  • Stay focused and motivated throughout the year.
  • Participate in class and extra-curricular activities.
  • Stay disciplined and avoid procrastination.
  • Believe in yourself.

Q.4. How many hours should a 9th grader study?

The amount of study time for a class 9 student can vary depending on the individual student and their schedule. However, it is generally recommended for students to study for at least 2-3 hours per day. This time should be divided among different subjects and should include time for reviewing notes and practicing problems. Additionally, it's important to take breaks and engage in physical activities to keep the mind fresh.

Q.5. Are 9th marks important?

9th grade marks serve as a baseline for academic performance. They can be used to determine eligibility for certain programs or scholarships. These marks are not checked by any institutions in the future, but the concepts learned can be helpful for their future education. Most of the subjects in the graduation level like mathematics can include the basics taught in 9th standard. Therefore a student needs to focus and score well to ensure they have understood the concepts taught.

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